Welcome to the temporary online home for the Adoption and Resource Home Assessor Program.
The Ohio Department of Job and Family services in partnership with Adopt America Network, has created the Adoption and Resource Home Assessor Program (ARHAP). ARHAP's goal is to facilitate the assessments of homes for the purposes of placing children in foster, adoption, or kinship placements. In this way, ARHAP aims to assist title IV-E juvenile courts, private child placing agencies, and public children service agencies in finding suitable homes for children living in out-of-home placements. This program has been designed to help alleviate some of the workforce challenges that agencies may be currently facing by maintaining a pool of assessors that are readily available to perform home studies and kinship assessments. During the 2023 fiscal year, ODJFS will cover the Assessor costs of up to 800 homestudies and 700 kinship assessments through ARHAP.
If you would like more details on ARHAP’s process, please click here.
If you need to learn how link an ARHAP assessor as a contract employee into SACWIS, click here to download an instructional document.
To request a foster/adoption home study or kinship assessment from ARHAP, please complete and submit the form below. Or, you can download a PDF version of the form by clicking the button below.