

Age: 12 years old
ID#: 9184

All who meet Alvans can’t help but fall for his heartwarming smile! He loves hugs and one-on-one attention. In response to attention he reaches out to hold caregivers’ hands and will lead you to toys or activities he wishes to interact with. Those who care for him have become quite attached to him and have fostered his growth and progress. Alvans is able to walk with some assistance and has a healthy appetite. He eats pureed and chopped foods at meals and requires assistance to feed himself. He enjoys toys that make loud noises and have bright lights. Despite the fact that he gets cold quickly, Alvans loves to go swimming! He also enjoys riding his bike and will dance to any music with a good beat. He is always ready to play and have a good time! Alvans is an incredible boy who is full of energy and joy. His happiness is truly contagious!

If you are interested in providing nurturing and love for Alvans or for any other Special Needs Children, please call our office @ 419-726-5100 for further information.

Adopt America Network