

Age: 15 years old
ID#: 8991

Cameron is a sweetheart who is game for anything. One of his new favorite activities is fishing. He also likes to ride bikes, water sports, basketball and other sports. Cameron is a well mannered child who likes to give and receive hugs, but he has cognitive issues that make it hard for him to understand things at times. He is the type of child that is more successful at completing tasks if he is given his tasks one at a time. When he gets upset, the trigger to what upset him needs to be removed from the room to help him calm down. His sister is in an adoptive placement, and he would like to remain in contact with her whether it be through face time, phone calls or visits to each other’s homes. He would progress with a family that is willing to patiently work him in over coming his cognitive issues, and putting the appropriate services in place. He will need the hugs and kisses all kids like receiving from their parents, grandparents and other family members.

If you are interested in providing nurturing and love for Cameron or for any other Special Needs Children, please call our office @ 419-726-5100 for further information.

Adopt America Network