

Age: 9 years old
ID#: 9056

Daniel is a handsome little boy who has a lot of love to give. He quickly attaches to caregivers and demonstrates affection by eye contact and smiling. Daniel is intrigued with lights that are multicolored as well as soothing sounds. Sensory play at home and at school are his favorite pastimes. He is non-verbal and non-ambulatory; he spends his days in a wheelchair or stander. He uses maximum hand over hand assistance when he is with his caregivers. Currently he has a G-tube but is receiving feeding therapy twice a week with a goal of eating solid foods. Daniel is a growing boy with a big heart who needs a loving family. He requires a permanent home that understands his needs and is committed to provide safety, security and love.

If you are interested in providing nurturing and love for Daniel or for any other Special Needs Children, please call our office @ 419-726-5100 for further information.

Adopt America Network