
Age: 16 years old

ID#: 9278

Devin is a fun-loving teenager who is always up for an outing. He is always happy and loves to tell a joke or two. Devin enjoys going to school and has always looked up to his teachers and staff at his schools as his heroes. To relax, Devin enjoys reading, especially the Twilight series and books about history. Devin finds music soothing and enjoys listening on his MP3 player. Passing the time while playing video games with other children is something Devin also enjoys. Devin’s true passion is food. He loves going out to eat for fun. He enjoys any local restaurant and is willing to try any foods.

Devin’s dream for the future is to have a forever family. He has proven that he can be accepted in any family setting. Devin would need lifelong supports and reminders as he gets older. Devin is a wonderful child who has a bright future ahead of him.

To adopt Devin or any other child with special needs, please contact Adopt America Network at 1-800-246-1731 or email us at We’re waiting to hear from you.

Adopt America Network