
Metro .jpg

Age: 10 years old

ID#: 9266

Metro enjoys music, dancing, watching YouTube videos of trains and cartoons. Metro likes Elmo and Mickey Mouse and loves playing with toy trains and cars. He is fascinated by ants crawling on the ground and will try to find ants underneath objects outside. Metro likes to be around other children and has been able to be expressive in giving hugs and holding hands and giving pecks of kisses. Metro does struggle with communication skills. He has his own iPad and is working on his communication and social skills with his therapist online and at school.

Metro has behaviors that are consistent with other children diagnosed with Autism. He struggles with being able to communicate but does understand what is said to him. Metro was behind in all educational, emotional, and physical needs. He has been able to gain some progress since being placed in the care of the Agency. He has shown past behaviors of eloping from people and hitting, kicking, screaming and negative responses to loud noises. Metro can best be served by a patient caregiver who is willing to work with his needs as he grows. Metro is currently wearing diapers and not toilet trained, he is able to let you know that he has gone to the bathroom though. He will be working on toilet training.

Metro does not like dark rooms and likes a nightlight and reassurance at nighttime. He will stay in his room and sleep at night. He is trying new foods and is eating better and gaining weight now. He was underweight in his first foster placement and had supplements of Pediasure to gain weight. Metro may be oppositional at times and it is best if you stay consistent with him so he will learn correct behaviors. He will eventually regroup and then go on with his day after he has a tantrum or outburst. Be patient with him. Metro is a sweet child most of the time and wants to have connection to others. He waves hello and goodbye; he is speaking more and more every day. He will state three-word sentences, like, “I go outside.” He loves the sunlight and the reflection of sunlight on the floor. He will show you his “angry, sad, happy faces” if you ask him.

To adopt Metro or any other child with special needs, please contact Adopt America Network at 1-800-246-1731 or email us at We’re waiting to hear from you.

Adopt America Network