Rochelle and Jaden

Age: 12 and 9 years old

ID#: 9297

Rochelle and Jaden are both very sweet and kind. Rochelle loves animals and going out to get ice cream. Jaden loves playing video games and watching his favorite cartoons. They enjoy spending time together, kicking a soccer ball around and playing tag. 

Rochelle and Jaden would benefit from a family that can provide a lot of support and one on one engagement for both of them. Jaden would require some additional assistance and prompting to complete his daily self care, while Rochelle would require support and assistance in her education. Although they do well with their peers and can manage having a roommate, an ideal home would be able to provide them each with their own room.

To adopt Rochelle and Jaden or any other child with special needs, please contact Adopt America Network at 1-800-246-1731 or email us at We’re waiting to hear from you.

Adopt America Network