Age: 15 years old
ID#: 9033
Shifaia is a sweet 15 year old girl of Ethiopian descent. Shifaia likes to wave to people she knows and is described as happy and cheerful. Shifaia responds well to games like peek-a-boo and singing “If you are happy and you know it.” Shifaia is continuing to develop her strength and is working on purposefully grasping objects. Even though she cannot speak, Shifaia is able to communicate in other ways. She is currently working on learning to communicate using different communication buttons. Shifaia loves to attend school and especially enjoys music and being sung to!
Legally freed for adoption, Shifaia’s social worker is open to exploring single or two parent families who feel they can be a good match for her. Shifaia has two siblings who reside with Shifaia’s step-mother who would like to remain connected with her. It is important that a family be open to continuing this connection. Shifaia is currently in a wheelchair so it is important that a family’s home is wheelchair accessible or can become wheelchair accessible. Most of all Shifaia needs a family that can celebrate her unique personality and sweet demeanor!
If you are interested in providing nurturing and love for Shifaia or for any other Special Needs Children, please call our office @ 419-726-5100 for further information.