
Age: 14 years old

ID#: 9295 B

Tatianna is strong-willed and always brings a lot of personality to the conversation. She loves anime and filling her walls with posters of her favorite characters. She also enjoys swimming, shopping, and going to her favorite coffee shop, Starbucks.

Tatianna is very intelligent and will make sure her thoughts and opinions are known. Tatianna would do best in a family that remains calm during conflict and can communicate well with youth when disagreements arise. Tatianna sometimes struggles to have a good relationship with other youth but with redirection and patience, would enjoy having siblings in the home.

To adopt Tatianna or any other child with special needs, please contact Adopt America Network at 1-800-246-1731 or email us at adoption@adoptamericanetwork.org. We’re waiting to hear from you.

Adopt America Network