The Housley Family


Dave and Kris Housley knew a family was in their future. When health issues prevented Kris from getting pregnant, they took a look at other options to bring their dream of having a family to life. A radio spot advertising an open house for Adopt America Network caught their attention. They attended the open house in Canton, Ohio and began their successful journey toward adoption. That journey involved bringing their first son, Matt, home from the hospital at six days old. That first adoption process took just over six months, and helped them begin the journey from an empty nest to a family. Almost two years later, they welcomed Angel to their family. At two years old, Angel was the oldest child they adopted. A year after Angel’s adoption, Dave and Kris brought home Tony. He was almost two years old at the time. Dave and Kris finished their adoption story by bringing home nine week old Bryanna. Her adoption process took the longest of the four children. It was nearly two and a half years between the day Bryanna came home to live with them and when her adoption was final. While Matt and Bryanna were infants when they came to live with Dave and Kris, Angel and Tony were both around two years old when they were introduced to the family. Dave and Kris describe Angel’s first weeks as being confusing for Angel and said that she was unsure about them at first. For Tony, it was smoother as they describe him as “always willing to go with anyone”. The Housley’s adoption journey lasted a little over eight years. Dave and Kris believe that adoption changed their lives for the better. Not only have they had the opportunity to share their lives with four children, but they also say 90% of the friendships they have now are a result of being parents. All four children are fully grown now. By adopting them so young, Dave and Kris believe they were able to help shape them into the adults they are today. The kids have developed a wide range of interests ranging from video games to community service, from watching movies to playing sports. But most importantly, they describe the family (through the words they use to describe their children) as loving.

Adopt America Network