Antwaun "Aaron"

9260 - Antwaun - PA - Photo.jpg

Age: 13 years old
ID#: 9260

“He’s such a happy boy and always smiling,” is how Antwaun’s staff describes him! He has a sweet personality and brings a smile to everyone who meets him. Since he has a love of music from the 60s and 70s, a dance party is usually nearby. He enjoys the sounds of the music and the happiness it brings to others. Antwaun enjoys making crafts with the help of his staff and spending one on one time with them. A staff member states, “He loves one on one time and he’ll make you feel like you’re the only girl in the world.” He is known to be a ladies man and wins the hearts of his teachers and staff! While he depends on others for complete care, he has a strong will and can let you know through verbalizations and body posturing when he is unhappy or not feeling well. Antwaun benefits greatly from stretching exercises and being placed on his belly. Nutrition is supplied to him through a G-tube. Because of his needs, families with medical care experience or who are willing to learn more about caring for children with medical needs are highly desired. He is often sleepy throughout the day, but when alert he is generally a content and calm child. He responds to voices he recognizes and enjoys being read and sung to. Antwaun loves to laugh and wants to share his laugh with a forever family! His staff has a strong connection with him and truly enjoys spending time with him. Staff would also like families to know “if all his needs are met he’s happy and content, but he’s in heaven when you’re with him”.

He is not yet legally free for adoption, however when a permanent resource is identified, the county will enact final steps to terminate parental rights. Antwaun has spent his entire life at a medical facility due to suffering from hypoxic brain injury at birth and has been in CYS since he is 4 months old. He was born prematurely and has numerous medical concerns including cerebral palsy, seizure disorder, respiratory issues as well as others. He is nonverbal but can let staff know when he is uncomfortable though making noises or crying. Antwaun is in a wheelchair and cannot walk. The staff describes him as mostly happy but he will let you know when something is wrong. Antwaun can tell when staff are talking to him and will respond with a smile or giggle. Antwaun is diagnosed with seizure disorder, microcephalus, anoxic brain disorder, unspecified cerebral artery occlusion with cerebral infarction, cortical blindness (unspecified laterality), cerebral palsy (quadriplegic), precocious puberty, and sickle cell disease type SC without crisis. He receives all of his medical care through The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and has been followed by CHOP since his birth.

If you are interested in providing nurturing and love for Antwaun or for any other Special Needs Children, please call our office @ 419-726-5100 for further information.

Adopt America Network