

Age: 15 years old
ID#: 9258

Thomas is a peaceful, kind natured, soft spoken and lovable young man. He enjoys simple pleasures such as going for walks and car rides. Trips to the zoo, apple picking and feeding the goats at the petting zoo are a few of the outdoor activities he prefers. He has a tablet that he frequently uses to watch Sponge Bob, balloon popping and slime making videos. Thomas has a hearty appetite and has a fondness for family meals, especially when it involves his favorite food, meatballs! Thomas would be a loving addition to any family. He would benefit greatly from a family willing to maintain contact with his sister and who can provide him with care, support and love into adulthood.

If you are interested in providing nurturing and love for Thomas or for any other Special Needs Children, please call our office @ 419-726-5100 for further information.

Adopt America Network