

Age: 9 years old

ID#: 9263B

Kurtis, born in 2012, is a future engineer! He builds intricate structures with his Legos, which are well beyond his normal age capability. He utilizes Legos, train tracks, blocks, playdoh, or anything available to create cities, animals, and stories. Kurtis is a fast learner. He is determined to do well in school academically and behaviorally and tries very hard. Kurtis is learning to play well with his peers. This sweet little guy has an active imagination and is very curious about the world around him.

Kurtis has a history of early childhood trauma including physical abuse, neglect, and witnessing domestic violence. Kurtis has an Individualized Education Plan due to developmental delays in adaptive behavior and language and communication skills. He receives speech therapy services at school. Kurtis participates in individual therapy. He is learning more about feelings and how to express himself in an appropriate way. He still struggles at times with aggressive behaviors and tantrums when he is angry. Kurtis becomes upset easily when he is asked to do something he doesn't want to do. He yells, pouts, cries, throws himself on the floor and refuses to cooperate. Kurtis has had multiple placements in his young life. He is attached to his current foster caregivers, however, they have stated they are not an option for permanency.

To adopt Kurtis or any other child with special needs, please contact Adopt America Network at 1-800-246-1731 or email us at adoption@adoptamericanetwork.org. We’re waiting to hear from you.

Adopt America Network