Age: 16 years old

ID#: 9237

E is 16 years old and identifies as a male. He is incredibly open and can talk your ear off on just about anything. E is passionate about many things, but one of his greatest passions is singing. He loves Anime, animals, especially dogs, and loves to have fun. E is very loyal, caring, funny, imaginative, and creative. E enjoys school but does need extra encouragement at times. E has a heart of gold but does struggle with putting trust into the right people. E has made some really close friends in school. E has been through a lot and needs a family that can help him grow and heal.

E does have a history of running away for a few hours at a time. He needs a stable placement that can work with him on trust and safety. E is looking for a forever family that shares his interests and be a huge support system. E needs a family that is supportive of the LGBTQ community and one that will accept him for who he is.

To adopt E or any other child, please contact Adopt America Network at 1-800-246-1731 or email us at adoption@adoptamericanetwork.org. We’re waiting to hear from you.

Adopt America Network