
Age: 13 years old

ID#: 9244

Serenity is a 13 year old spunky girl. Serenity is easy to talk to and will talk to you about anything.  She is very open, respectful and honest. She loves to meet new people and be herself.  She can have trouble getting alone with kids her age and tends to gravitate towards kids that are younger than her. Serenity absolutely loves school and puts in her best effort. She currently has an IEP.  ​Serenity loves a good board game and she is very active. Serenity loves to be outside. One of Serenity's favorite places is the park, but she will try anything new and adventurous.  

Serenity has some behavioral issues that she is working on and would love a family that can be supportive through this process. Serenity does well staying active  and would benefit from a family that likes to do the same. Serenity needs a family that is patient and understanding, a family that will grow with Serenity.

To adopt Serenity or any other child with special needs, please contact Adopt America Network at 1-800-246-1731 or email us at We’re waiting to hear from you.

Adopt America Network