
Age: 16 years old

ID#: 9286

Meet Jihaad, a teen with big dreams. Jihaad has ambition for many future goals including becoming an entrepreneur. He has his eye on possibly going to college and learning the skills to start his very own clothing line. He is interested in math and finds it to be his favorite subject in school. Given the proper tools, education and support, we see Jihaad's ambition and dreams coming true!

 Jihaad is also a loving and caring person. He has a wish to be adopted and in a loving family. He has also expressed wishes for siblings and cousins. He would love to be a dog owner and is interested in large dog breeds. Jihaad would be hands on with his family whether it is helping with dinner or playing a game. He loves sports too so if the family enjoys this, even better!

Jihaad is open to adoption and is looking forward to finding his forever family. Love, guidance, boundary setting and positive role models are needed for Jihad to flourish in his forever home.

To adopt Jihaad or any other child with special needs, please contact Adopt America Network at 1-800-246-1731 or email us at adoption@adoptamericanetwork.org. We’re waiting to hear from you.

Adopt America Network