
Age: 16 years old

ID#: 9288

Meet Larenze, he is often described as a kind, playful and friendly boy. Once you meet him, you will see what a sweet young man he truly is! He enjoys being the center of attention and loves to show everyone his beautiful smile. Playing the piano, video games, and listening to music as well as making beats/rhymes are his favorite activities. He is very creative and loves to share what he musically produces with anyone who will listen. Larenze also enjoys riding his bike and taking nature walks with someone. He loves the one on one time and being outdoors.

Having a family is very important to Larenze who is looking for stability and an affectionate family. The forever family for Larenze will consistently offer him structure, guidance and lots of love.

To adopt Larenze or any other child with special needs, please contact Adopt America Network at 1-800-246-1731 or email us at We’re waiting to hear from you.

Adopt America Network