
9253 - Jaiden - MA - Photo.jpg

Age: 6 years old
ID#: 9253

Hi! My name is Jaiden and I love to hear people talk! Jaiden is a sweet and loving little boy of Caucasian descent. Those who know him best adore him and share that he can make you smile as soon as you see him. Once you start speaking to Jaiden he will turn towards you to see who is visiting and will give you a wide grin. The more you speak to him the more excited he gets and he will start to reach out to you. All of the staff members in the program at which Jaiden resides, as well as his teachers at school, have fallen in love with him and are hoping that he finds his forever family soon. Jaiden’s favorite activities include playing with the Singing Elmo that he received for Christmas and listening to music. He loves being in the pool and enjoys pushing off the wall and splashing around in the water. Jaiden is also able to engage in many activities at school, such as arts & craft projects, with the help of his teachers and aide.

Jaiden currently attends Kindergarten where he receives extra supports. He enjoys going to school and is always happy to see his teachers. Jaiden is non-verbal, is wheelchair bound and has been diagnosed with cortical blindness. He relies on 24/7 support and receives occupational, physical, vision, and speech therapy at his school. Legally freed for adoption, Jaiden is seeking a loving and caring home that can understand the complexity of his needs. The staff at his program are committed to helping a pre-adoptive family make Jaiden comfortable and happy in a home setting. Jaiden has the potential to thrive in family of any constellation, either as an only child or with siblings. It is important to Jaiden that he maintains a relationship with his two siblings who are placed in another home.

If you are interested in providing nurturing and love for Jaiden or for any other Special Needs Children, please call our office @ 419-726-5100 for further information.

Adopt America Network