

Age: 16 years old
ID#: 8373

Hi! My name is Maleki and I love comics! Maleki is an engaging and interesting teenage boy of African-American descent. While Maleki enjoys spending time by himself, if he is interested in a conversation or activity he will happily engage with others. He is very passionate about certain subjects, particularly all things related to Marvel and DC comics. He loves to talk about his favorite superheroes and what their powers are. Maleki also enjoys music therapy and trying to make sounds on the instruments. Maleki is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and developmental delays. He is currently functioning on the level of a six-year-old. Maleki is in high school and attends a collaborative school. He receives supports through the school to ensure that his emotional, social and educational needs are met. Maleki has no behavior problems at school or in the program where he lives. He gets along well with peers, staff and teachers. Maleki is legally freed for adoption. His social worker is hoping to match him with a family who is committed to advocating for him throughout his life. He will do well in a family of any constellation, with or without other children in the home.

If you are interested in providing nurturing and love for Maleki or for any other Special Needs Children, please call our office @ 419-726-5100 for further information.

Adopt America Network