

Age: 20 years old
ID#: 7408

Zakrie is a sweet child that responds well to a soft voice. He is completely dependent on others to provide his care. He is gaining strength through therapy and some therapeutic equipment. Zakrie likes to be talked to and communicates with others through noises. Zakrie is a special needs child that thrives in an environment of love and nurturing. Zakrie will require a caretaker that can devote a great deal of time to meeting his needs. Zakrie will require care for the rest of his life. Zakrie has faced many challenges in his young life and has significant medical needs. A family for Zakrie will need to be strong advocates and be open to what the future may hold for him.
Zakrie is legally free for adoption and needs a family that is able to provide for his medical needs as well as provide a stimulating and nurturing environment.

If you are interested in providing nurturing and love for Zakrie or for any other Special Needs Children, please call our office @ 419-726-5100 for further information.

Adopt America Network